We Are Brought Up With Ideas

We are brought up with ideas
– and we think we think for ourself.

We live in a mind-field of borrowed ideas, concepts, fixations and obsessions, all of which distract us from experiencing the ultimate truth. I used to think this was normal too, all the while feeling that something was wrong.

Everyone was always telling everyone else
how to think, believe and react.

We live in a materialistic, intellectual, religious world that has dumbed* us down. The word ‘dumb’ means mute and stupid – ‘mute’ because we find it difficult to express ourselves as our languages have been reduced to talking only about materialistic, intellectual and religious ideas. Language is tailored to avoid certain words such as ‘pure consciousness’, which is what we are. We’re ‘stupid’ for not knowing this.

How many people talk about pure consciousness? If the world knew that we are pure consciousness, it would be a very different place. It is because of limited speech that we’ve become stupid; we chatter in riddles, and riddles control us. We like mystery stories – and we die dumb.

We are too ready to adopt jargon – special words or expressions used by a group that are difficult for others to understand. ‘Dumb’ was originally used in the sense of twittering and chattering, and later … gibberish 🙂

The essence of all spiritual text is
the silence of pure consciousness.

It is only in the moment of silent, pure consciousness
that the meaning of life is revealed.

*DumbGermanic origin; related to Old Norse dumbr and Gothic dumbs – ‘mute’. Also to Dutch dom ‘stupid’ and German dumm ‘stupid’.

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