One Consciousness Or Individual Consciousnesses?

Are we only one pure consciousness?
Or are we individual pure consciousnesses?

We all express experiences differently, but in the essence of silent, pure, non-dual consciousness, there is only unity. There isn’t even the words ‘God’ or ‘Buddha’ or ‘Brahman’ …

As ordinary beings (not knowing our true reality) we are just consciousness, pootling around sniffing this and that, and arguing.

As enlightened beings, we realise that we are pure consciousness, no longer pootling around, but knowing what we are and why we are here.

Has pure consciousness been hijacked to deceive people into believing in a ‘deity’ up there, when it has always been what we are?

If we allow ourselves to be separated by beliefs, we become convoluted in expression, and fear one another. Being divided, we are conquered. By whom? By that which wants obedience and servitude.

Belief is the opposite to knowing.
Belief in an external deity denies the truth within.

Good and evil are, in fact, a unity. By virtue of one, the other is known. The mirror and its reflection. The mirror is pure consciousness, and the reflections are ordinary consciousness clinging to ideas – that is ego. We are the mirror; it is the reflections of ideas that separate us. Belief is evil’s device.

What matters is what we all have in common. This is not words or names, but silent personal realisation – the appreciation of recognition, before all the words and names which divide us.

Goodness matters.
Goodness is clear seeing – divine splendour – beyond this and that.

The infinite universe is full of infinite sentient beings – the number just on Earth is incalculable. The amount passing from one form to another is even more so … ‘lots’! The universe is therefore full of consciousness.

Pure consciousness is perfect, pure compassion;
it is undivided and indivisible.

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