Everyday Suffering

All-pervasive suffering.

Everyday suffering is being bound by our habitual likes and dislikes.
We find ourselves complaining, and cannot stop. This is the lot of a non-practitioner.

The good news is that feeling uncomfortable about this is the suffering required to break the habit. It is here where we have a choice, either to cut through patterns of behaviour that bind us – thus becoming a practitioner – or re-enact them daily.

Life may not seem perfect … or does it? Everything that happens to us causes a reaction in our mind, and probably in our body. This reaction is a product from our past, also called karma. Karma isn’t a punishment; it’s a reminder of our personal attitude disorder. 🙂

Everyone is subject to karma, so we don’t have to feel the emotion of guilt; rather, we realise what guilt has been doing to us all our life. It’s the muddy ocean of hopelessness that we Buddhas dwell in. 🙂

The moment when we realise what we are doing, life changes. We come to the surface. We drop the illusion of “My Life” and start living like a practitioner – one who is treading their path to true liberation.

We have to accept whatever comes our way,
and see it for what it is – a teaching.

We are not engaged, occupied or attracted by picking and choosing.
This is only for practitioners who are aware of subtle devices.

Device: based on Latin divis- ‘divided’. The original sense was ‘desire or intention’.

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