Our Press Ganged Minds

‘Press ganged’ is a 16th century term for impressment, of being made to do something physically against one’s will. Nowadays, this control is exerted through impressing the mind via the media, where we submit to ideas in the form of fear.

Submission creates servitude, reaction and indifference – our likes, dislikes and what we ignore – and these characteristics ambush our every moment, when we don’t have free will and are thrown into confusion. This confusion activates the attitude of servitude, reaction and indifference – the vicious cycle of existence.

This is why we must be mindful of how we choose to live. When we know our own mind, we know the minds of others. Those whose intention is to impress our mind already know what we think because they put it in there :D, and their followers maintain that pressure.

We don’t realise how long this has been going on,
so we accept it as normal.
So did our parents and grandparents …
convincing an entire culture.

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