Making Up Our Mind

When people have made up their mind, there’s no talking to them.
There is nothing fresh to discuss, as there are no possibilities.

A made-up mind is a fixed mind, ignorant of ‘able to be done’.
Possibility: from Latin possibilis ‘able to be done’. 

In the present moment now, there are no ideas; there is just pure perception, and nothing made up, but this is instantly coloured by our fixations, and the light on the face goes out. It is surprising and shocking how many people have made up their mind, and walk about in the resulting dream – or rather, in the the dream that’s been made up for them.

Over the past 2000 years, there have been approximately 100 billion people on Earth either believing in an external god, or believing that there isn’t a god.

Either way, as long as opposites exist, conflict and confusion exist … and the show goes on, with all of us following the script.

People who have made up their mind
have actually had it made up for them.

Until they can recognise this,
there’s no possibility of communication.

And evil laughs.

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