Spiritual Competitiveness

Spiritual competitiveness is the unfortunate trait of wanting to appear to be something we’re not. It’s just snobbery; an exaggerated self-importance associated with spiritual materialism. This happens, and is a collective problem.

There is an inherent hierarchy within groups, which is an inner circle to please the figure-head or guru. This is cult mentality, in favour of personal investigative practice.

We may find that we say and do things to keep up with others, without regard for genuine, kind fellowship. These holy antics are very off putting. 🙂

When we’re on our own, we cannot be competitive, just disciplined. We’re all psychologically defective imperfect beings with the enlightened potential of working perfectly.

Working perfectly is being open-minded and compassionate. Being compassionate is having empathetic understanding, where there is absolutely no competitiveness.

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