The Invasion

Invasion: an intrusion into another’s domain.
That domain is the mind.

There are physical invasions, but before that comes the mental invasion – the preparation of the mind by agent provocateurs. In modern terms, this is referred to as ‘undercover operations’ to entice or incite others to go along with an idea without people noticing that their mind and attitude have been altered.

An indication of intruders is that we think this is all normal.

To expel these demons, we have to practise being aware by not reacting. The clarity of meditation dispels darkness. Once we know our true reality – the light of pure consciousness – this illumines all intruders, especially subtle emotions lying in ambush just under the surface, like agent provocateurs …

We need a smoke-and-mirrors alarm
to alert us to any proposal that, when examined closely,
proves to be an illusion.

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