We Have All We Need To Know

We have all we need to know.
If we feel that we don’t know but want to know,
the result is eternal neediness.

Being needy, we doubt and become dependent on others, not realising we are knowingness itself. Of course, we all want to know things that are outside our reach, but that is a recipe for a pointless life. We have to go step-by-step before we can become effulgent, and shine. 🙂

Wanting to become enlightened negates that we are enlightened. It’s the trap we all fall into, going round in circles relying on gurus, when the guru is within – much the same as God.

Worldly influencers want us contrary to our nature – to take sides, to believe, to be divided, to be confused – when our nature is pure consciousness. We are both these aspects, in different measures.

It could be said that we are both consciousness and pure consciousness – Atman and Brahman, or self and Self, or ignorance and wisdom, or darkness and light, or dreamers and awakened …

We have all we need to know.

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