The Buddha Was A Whistleblower

He provided evidence contrary to the established belief that there is self. The instant when we identify as a self or atman or spirit, we create and maintain a subtle duality. The moment of pure consciousness is the moment of non-duality where there is no time to identify; there is just pure awareness.

Any idea of self limits understanding, and we are relying on a belief, rather than realisation.

Belief is the promotion and acceptance of a self-identity, which causes the emotions of hope, fear, pride and jealousy due to ignorance and, most of all … reaction. Reaction is the tell-tale sign of belief (another way to look at this is crowd control).

In pure consciousness, there is no reaction.

We all need to be whistleblowers of our mind, because it has been brainwashed into the partiality of worship.

Our mind is like a grain of rice in a pot of boiling water; when one grain is ‘cooked’, all are ‘cooked’. That’s how groupthink works.

Cooked: altered dishonestly; falsified.

To a cooked mind, evidence is irrelevant, as such a mind has no experience of anything other than received information. Anything outside established acceptance does not register. We get a blank look from a blank mind – there’s no talking to most people. 🙂

What did the Buddha whistleblow about?
The immoral activity of not knowing
what is beneficial and what is harmful to our being.

People’s morals have become only about personal likes and dislikes
– in which case, our morals are all about me, my self.

The Buddha is saying we do not have morals yet;
we have a substitute,
which is the understanding of unenlightened people.

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