Sizing Up A Person

We look carefully at a person or situation so that we can decide how to act. In the first instant, observation without judgment is taking place to see what clues are given out; this is pure consciousness at work, before we react. What does this observation tell us? That is a moment of teaching – do we use string, a screw or a hammer?

Sizing up a situation tells us what to do, and what to say. Much depends on our ability to empathise, in order to understand what sort of compassion to use.

Most people size up through their bias and fixations, and that causes and maintains conflict. We, as meditators, must show more understanding and not judge – or at least able to put that aside.

Part of meditation is sizing ourselves up. 😀 “Why do I think the way that I think?” When we know why, then we can empathise with others as we recognise (know again) the projection. 🙂

Empathy enriches experience, and tests us.

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