Idiot Meditation – The Banal Self

To become enlightened, we must first identify
the obstacle to enlightenment.
This obstacle is the created image of ourself.
Clever me 😉

This image can be very subtle, so subtle that we
can achieve an enlightened ego, and become a master of
conventional reality – the great illusionist.
This is not enlightenment, but merely a puffed-up idea.
The claim “I am” clearly reveals this.
That is the banality of self. The source of evil.
Because of this we create hope and fear, we feel we have
to defend ourself and attack others.

When practising, one of the problems is being caught up
in “idiot meditation”. Being trapped in a vacant state.
In this vacant state, there is no insight, no knowing,
no emotion, no virtue, no clarity.
This is just a vacant state of perception
– but this is not pure perception, which is pure essence.

The trap is “I experience”, “I rest in stillness”, “I am aware”,
“I am being”…these are still at the conventional level of reality.
This “I” mentality gives rise to sentimentality.

Holding on to an mental image of ourselves is the reason
we repeat everything, with the same attitude.

Through proper instruction, we can break through this barrier,
to pure awareness – pure essence.
Then, there is just stillness, just awareness, just is-ness and just love.
This is not a sentimental love, as it knows the true nature of everything.

Ps, Idiot meditation is a tough lesson, I did this for 25 years!

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  1. daisymae21 says:

    Hello Tony – interesting new banner!
    May I ask something? I’m interested in the statement “This “I” mentality gives rise to sentimentality.” Could you explain that a little further? Are you meaning in the sense that sentimentality is an excessive experience of emotion relating to a feeling of self?

  2. tony says:

    Hello Daisy,
    This is just between you and me… 😉 !
    It’s more a sense of falling in love with ‘my’ spirituality. So yes, it is still self-ishness. It’s probably a phase we go through, “Isn’t my life wonderful.” “See how nicely I can sit on a cushion.” “I am one with everything.”

    It’s good in a way as a boost of confidence, an antidote to a past way of life, but it’s a bit rocky, or wobbly, or unstable. The emotions can ignite at any moment.

    Actually this isn’t spirituality, it’s mental soothing. It’s a start, then at some point the person has to realise, “There must be more?”

    I’d be interested in what other might have to say on this matter,

  3. tony says:

    When you say interesting new banner Daisy, do that mean you are not keen on it.
    I’m not sure either!

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