The intention of this site.


Someone has asked a question about online teachings. My intention is just to be a ‘doorman,’ so that when one goes to an authentic Dharma centre or Dharma book, one will have some understanding and may be more familiar with the material – and no one can lord it over you! I spent years wondering what ‘they’ were talking about, as, for me, details were missing…it was unsatisfactory to say the least.

There are two ways of approaching the Dharma: one is from the front of the book and the other from the end. Different paths suit different temperaments, and what was missing for me was the ending. If we start at the end, we then know where we are going, and where we actually are…and the obstacles will be clearly seen. To use cookery as a metaphor: we can have a selection of raw ingredients and not know what to do with them. It’s only after eating a delicious meal made from them that we realise what can be achieved, and this inspires us to actually start cooking.

How this blog will proceed will depend on who comes to the door. There is much to be learned from discussion, as it triggers inspiration. As a group forms, the dynamics change, and with  goodwill we can help one another. So, the dynamics is the teacher!…and that is life!

Information is not knowledge unless practised and experienced. Then from knowledge, we find wisdom. Wisdom is our true nature – Empty Essence, Cognisant Nature, and unconfined Compassion.

Meditation is merely becoming familiar with our true nature.

All the best to us,


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