We do not have an original thought!

(part two)

This is a huge and complex subject, and I will try to keep it simple. The dharma says that it is our concepts, emotions and ego clinging that are the elements obscuring our clear view. This is correct: however, it does not recognise the insidious nature of those who use the dharma elements against us. This is a very subtle subject, and you will have to prove it or not to your own satisfaction. The Dharma recognises inner demons which have no true existence, but the teaching does not talk about worldly beings who use the principles of the three poisons (desire, aversion and ignorance) against us. They are the cause of much physical and mental suffering in the world.

What I can say is that, even though this may sound very scary, it will in fact enhance our practice. NO challenge, NO progress! Tibetans will sit in a cemetery all night to be scared, putting the dharma into practice in order to dissolve fear. They really do believe in ghosts…we don’t!

We have something much scarier: the idea that there are too many of us on this earth.

Our minds are like transmitters and receivers. The brain is the wiring, memory, and reaction system. We are neither the mind or the brain, but merely the awareness of listening and viewing.

We receive information via the five senses…and subliminally directly to the mind. All information is fed to us – we do not have an original thought in our heads! However, we do have free will to ‘join up the dots’, to use this information, experience knowledge and recognise wisdom…or otherwise…

Unfortunately there are two sources of this information in the universe – one dark, and the other light. You will have to decide which is which!

From childhood, we are bombarded with ‘media’ information, which is reinforced by our parents, and their parents, and the world around us. All life is…is work, work, better ourselves and then die. Getting out of this mental jungle is simple, but not easy.

We are constantly being fed false information via the media, to distract us from recognising our true nature. “You really need this!” and “You will feel much better if you have that!” Why? To answer that question, you will have to understand that corporate marketing is now so sophisticated that it practically controls the whole planet. I kid you not! Smoking, cola and mobile phones can be found in every village in the world…and the rest! We have been made reliant on ‘them’ – and they on us, to give them our wealth – but it seems that we’re not all needed any more (see Agenda 21). And actually we have no wealth, as they have the gold, whereas we have meaningless digits on a screen.

Basically, we have become part of the ‘corporate’ ideal of putting us to work, and into debt, for our whole life. Politicians are part of it, but they are only there for a short while, the corporations behind the corporations aren’t. Their wealth is greater than countries. This has been going on for generations. Whatever you do, you are working for the corporation – just look up the committee of 300. Have you noticed how large corporations have taken over every high street? The true names of the parent companies, we will probably never know. Independence is disappearing!

Large corporations influence the globe through their banking systems, and also through the use of psychological tools. One of the these tools is fear: look at the actions taken in the name of preventing terrorism: these are based on ‘what if’ and not ‘what is’. Look at the tension and killing in the world. Do you think it’s “just one of those things”? Or is it social engineering? More than two million people in America are in private jails…for-profit incarceration?!

This control and manipulation of consciousness has been going on for generations: here is just one insight.

There two methods of control: violence, and subtle influence. These two methods are described in George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. You may think that these are just novels until you realise that they both came from the same organisation, the Fabian Society, with its symbol of a wolf in sheep’s clothing! I984 depicts mind control through violence and “doublethink”, so changing people’s perception of reality. Brave New World is about indoctrination through the media and use of chemicals, from foetus to old age – and “drugs” includes foodstuffs and liquids.

They know all about human desires and aversion…and the tendency of humans to ignored what is taking place. These are the three main negative emotions, according to Buddhism. I’ve spoken to Buddhists about this, and their response is, “Oh, that’s just conspiracy theory stuff!” But these are not theories, and people are suffering because of them. If we have compassion, we need to be aware of both the enemy within, and the enemy without.

May all sentients being find happiness.

The Dharma really does work in all circumstances.


These corporation may be clever but not wise.

They actually help us to not be attached!


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