Buddhism is disappointing.

 If one thinks that Buddhists will be any different from other people, then one will be disappointed! Let’s be honest, people are people, and we shouldn’t expect too much. People can acquire a lofty attitude, but at least it’s the start of becoming a better person.

 The Dharma is the teachings of the Buddha. Buddhists are people who are attracted to those teaching, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that we are perfect practitioners. In fact, being in the company of Buddhists is bound to wind you up, when you expect more from them!

 Now to the real disappointment:


You will get nothing out of Buddhism!

There is absolutely nothing there.

You will meditate for years

chant mantras, sing pujas

bang drums, perform mudras,

just stare and stare,

and get nothing out of it.

Don’t expect praise for finding nothing.

You won’t get a badge.

You will be ignored.

You will experience doubt.

And nothing will happen.

After years of this,

you will finally realise that

nothing is happening all the time.

The great disappointment is that

you will lose everything

you are holding onto.


What a relief!

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