Finding Our Spiritual Centre

Our funny problem….

If we say we found it, it cannot be it…
but we cannot deny that we have one.

We have two realities – ultimate and conventional.
The conventional looks for the ultimate and finds nothing.
In that ‘finding nothing’ is the ultimate.

Frustrating isn’t it?

Mums are always right; “Stop picking it – it’ll never get better!”
We need to relax,
which creates patience,
which creates a “lack of interest”,
which creates cool boredom,
which reveals spaciousness.

Just being, just perceiving, just being aware is pure being, pure perception, pure awareness…
Nothing else. There is nothing to do but recognise and rest.
We only find it when we come out of it, and look back.
We only need to come out of it slightly in order to love.

Pure being is our essential nature – essence – but it is dry. Once established however, we have the link. We can then come out into conventional reality out of compassion. This is juicy essence love – a mere I, mere ego. It is because of the link that anything other than emptiness is merely a reminder.

Life is frustrating because we naturally love, and want to put things right. All we can do is radiate welcoming space.

Essence is our spiritual centre.
Because of this essence, love can manifest, giving rise to essence love.
Because of this essence love, we radiate essence display.
Finally, we are adorned with emptiness: Dharmakaya.

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  1. daisymae21 says:

    Hello Tony – could you please elaborate on this sentence:
    “We only find it when we come out of it, and look back.” What does “look back” mean here?

  2. tony says:

    Hello Daisy,
    It is looking back on the previous moment. Quite often we look back to see what we were doing and see we were doing nothing, just there. Unfortunately we miss this ..we keep missing this point! Our natural state is so natural that we miss it.

    The present moment cannot the observed, that would mean there is a time delay – by the time we recognise the moment many unnoticed moments have past.

    This of cause could drive one crazy!

    We oscillate between focus and expansion – there are natural gaps in everything we do. There is space in everything!


  3. tony says:

    ……..Of course not noticing that empty moment we fall into a vacancy – a state of not knowing.
    Then we simply recognise that state of not knowing turning it into knowing. Oblivion into intelligent emptiness – we wake up!


  4. daisymae21 says:

    Thanks for clarifying Tony – I need to go away and re read that and inwardly digest 😉


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