Realising Sameness

Song 20
Flight of the Garuda
by Shabkar Tsokdrug Rangdrol

“When appearances and emptiness are inseparable,
that is the time of having actualised the view.

“When dreams and being awake are without any difference,
that is the time of having actualised the meditation.

“When happiness and suffering are without any difference,
that is the time of having realised the action.

“When this life and the next are not different,
that is the time of having realised the natural state.

“When the mind and space are without any difference,
that is the time of having realised the dharmakaya.

“When your mind and the Buddha’s are not different,
that is the time of having realised the fruition.”

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  1. crestedduck says:

    When dreams and being awake are without any difference,…….
    When this life and the next are not different……….
    Sweet Dreams and The Night Crusher

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