Is Life Freedom Or Bondage?

To the unenlightened, life is bondage, misery, frustration, dissatisfaction, suffering; no feeling of completion. We are full of demons.

To the enlightened, life is freedom, understanding, satisfaction, compassion, completion; a relief from the bondage. Demons are now our play things.

How enlightened do we have to be to accomplish freedom?

It takes just a moment!

Our quintessential nature is consciousness – pure consciousness. It is pure, empty, unbiased knowingness before anything is known. Everything else is but a passing fancy of impermanence. Most of us will not be remembered. Our unceasing reality is right here, right now! When we realise this, that is enlightenment.

For most of us, however, this is just an unaware moment as, in the next milli-moment, we grab hold of the experience, create something, and claim it, falling into our dream life. Something may happen to wake us up (a shock), there is a reaction and we sink back again into our dream world.

The trick or practice is to remain in the first moment – or return to it as soon as possible. Write a few words and let go. Watch to see what arises. If nothing comes, rest in completion. The more we remember, or become familiar with this precious moment, the more the realisation of enlightenment.

Expect the unexpected!
It is liberating.
Stay in the shock; it’s the eureka moment.

I’ve spent my life learning to paint ‘properly’. Now, I do this.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea
– a monkey could do it –
but the experience makes me smile like a monkey.


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  1. marcel says:

    Morning Tony, awaiting your first white on white .. 🙂

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