Are There Higher Beings In The Universe?

This question can only be answered by each individual, based on their experiences. I say ‘experiences’ because inspiration has to happen regularly to be more than a coincidence. Reason says that things happen due to the laws of cause and effect, but there are some things that cannot be so easily explained.

Gobsmacked comes to mind; utterly astonished. 🙂

Speaking personally, something occurs (usually in meditation, and usually due to a previous day’s query) but then added information comes along to support this or amplify it. Researching the origins of words illuminates meaning; this may be selective looking, but that leads to guidance and inspiration (there are 4601 hopefully inspirational articles on this blog 🙂 )

Is there abstract ‘help’?

I can’t say yes or no, but I remain open to the question. I don’t believe in a creator – I don’t believe in anything, but I’ve heard of enlightened beings. Is that inspiration enough for us to look for evidence? I think so.

If there is guidance, is there guidance for everyone?

Certainly, as long as we are receptive beyond wishful thinking, and avoid becoming over-negative or over-positive. Perhaps it’s all about understanding, experiencing, and realising what the ancients meant that keeps us on track … on the path of discovery.

One thing to consider:

If there is reincarnation, there are beings watching who are attracted to calm minds – or to something else. If there are ordinary beings watching us, so too must higher beings.

Meditation is being open-minded.


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