Healthy Human Being

= healthy bacteria
= healthy brain
= healthy mind

Seeing through the mirror, darkly or lightly
We have a problem…actually, two of them: our body and our mind. Both can be the cause of not thinking straight. When we can think straight, we are clear, we have clarity, we have lift off!

In the modern world, many of our brothers and sisters are having mental problems, and society pays a heavy price for the drugs. Mental illness has become an industry. It may sound simplistic, but all we have to be is aware of what we put into our minds and bodies: there is always a cause.

It seems that what happens in childhood will affect us in later in life. Is it possible that some corporate scientists are aware of this, and others are not? It may depend on who’s paying for the research.

There is a link between bacteria in the gut and the brain: when the gut bacteria is altered, increased or diminished, there seems to be an effect on the brain. This phenomenon is a two way street: gut to brain and brain to gut. If we’re poor and ill-educated, we may not be so aware of what is happening to us. The more stress and pressure that is put on to a society, the more our immune systems are run down. The healthier we are as human beings, the more able we are to think straight and have clarity, and the easier lift off will be along our path to enlightenment! 🙂

Meditation is also a two-way street: it makes us aware of both the stress in the mind and in the body. Our bodies and minds are very sensitive instruments: clogging them up with junk will have an effect.

The Link between the Gut and the Brain

University of California, Los Angeles researchers now have the first evidence that bacteria ingested in food can affect brain function in humans:

“Time and time again, we hear from patients that they never felt depressed or anxious until they started experiencing problems with their gut. Our study shows that the gut–brain connection is a two-way street.

“By demonstrating the brain effects of probiotics, the study also raises the question of whether repeated courses of antibiotics can affect the brain, as some have speculated. Antibiotics are used extensively in neonatal intensive care units and in childhood respiratory tract infections, and such suppression of the normal microbiota may have long-term consequences on brain development.

“Finally, as the complexity of the gut flora and its effect on the brain is better understood, researchers may find ways to manipulate the intestinal contents to treat chronic pain conditions or other brain related diseases, including, potentially, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and autism.”

“The link between autism and the types of bacteria levels in the stomach could indicate changes in brain. Children with autism had lower levels of the chemical metabolites, which are produced by certain bacteria. The metabolites homovanillate is the broken down product of dopamine, a major neurotransmitter, while N,N-dimethylglycine is a building block for proteins and neurotransmitters. With both of these gut-produced chemicals at an abnormally low level, researchers conclude the bacteria could be affecting the brain.”

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